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Wandra Williams

No way!

Have you ever had hopes, dreams, visions or aspirations that were so big that you thought to yourself "No way!"..."Nope, that's never going to happen." This recently happened to me. I was spending time talking with the Lord about some things and I expressed the desires of my heart. The visions and dreams that I desired to see manifested in my life were really BIG (in my eyes) and for a moment I entertained the voice that said "No way, that's not going to

happen. This is impossible." It was also in that moment, the Holy Spirit whispered to me and reminded me "What may be impossible with man, is possible with God." (Luke 1:36-38) This experience reminded me to walk by faith and that I have the right (by virtue of me being a child of God), to believe for and expect EVERYTHING the Lord says I can have. Let me encourage you today. Don't be afraid to pray BOLD and BIG prayers! God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above anything we could ever ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) We often hear the phrase "Don't box God in...". This is so true! Don't box Him in! Express the desires of your heart to Him, remain in His will and watch Him exceed your expectations. We don't serve a mediocre "basic" God! God is a God of miracles, abundance, healing, and provision. God is not "basic"...He's BIG! Ignore the voice that says "No way." and exercise your faith by believing that God WILL make a way. All things are possible with Him.

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