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God, I trust you to do it

If you're like me, you sometimes find yourself faced with a lot of uncertainty or maybe faced with a dream or vision that is so much bigger than you and every time you think about it, you're overwhelmed by the thought of it all. Or maybe, like me, sometimes, things appear to get worse before it gets better. When this happens, the opportunity to allow faith to work is presented and you simply have to speak to yourself and say "God, I trust you do it."

In the process of trusting God to do it, He's also perfecting those things concerning you (Read Psalm 138:8). The more you trust God, the less room you have to worry. Your relationship with God ensures you know the voice of God and when you know the voice of God, you can move the way you need to faith; and wait the way you need to faith. The Greek word for faith is “Hupostasis” which means a support, groundwork, confidence, subsistence, reality, or essence.

What you are trusting God to do; what you trust Him to fix will lead back to the foundation upon which it was built and as He inspects our lives and bring things to past, the root and foundation of it all has to be built upon pure faith, it can’t be built upon worldly ideas and strategies, but it has to be built upon the substance, the foundation of faith, a place where the motives are pure and pure faith which pleases God and brings glory to God. The first place we need to trust God to do "IT" is to do IT WITHIN US, to do "IT" within our heart. If your faith is being tested today, if you're struggling to trust God to do it, remember, He's not slack concerning what He promised and His record of faithfulness speaks for itself. (Read Hebrews 11)

Blessings and Love,


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